Thursday, October 11, 2007

Just Like Me

Identity. Just what is that?

Who am I? Who should I be? So many questions constantly plaguing me.
I've searched and I've sought, struggled and toiled,
with these feelings of worthlessness that in me do boil.
I've looked and I've longed to fit in with the crowd,
Never realizing my home is safe in the clouds.
The heavenly place where i am seated with You,
Oh the glory of your face longing to shine through
the veils that I wear, the shame I embrace,
maybe if I could just change my face.
Perhaps a new dress, new car, new shoes,
Yes, maybe that's just what I'll do.
I'll change who I am and become someone new, This old model here will just never do.
Then I could be great, be someone, be loved,
perhaps be accepted, fit in, and even thought well of.
Could I finally be, someone of worth, if I could just change the place of my birth?
Yet emptier and emptier, this shell that is me, never finding just the right person to be.
you see the problem I face is a common one too,
I don't like me so maybe I should just be like you.
Have you ever had this struggle too?

And yet all the while , quietly in the shadows,
They are watching and waiting, ready for my unveiling.

If only I believed that who I am is perfect, unique,
and in all of the world there's no other me.
Knitted together, fashioned in the womb, by hands filled with love and a God Who is Good,
Perfectly made and completely loved,
Kissed with the sunshine from heaven above,
a piece in this puzzle called the body of Christ,
And to think without me here, it's just not quite right.

I'm finding my place right by His side.
Boldness and confidence now flow from within, I've finally found the place I fit in.
A great mystery you say? No, it was there all along.
I just couldn't see it, I didn't hear the song.
I was to busy working, striving to please,
A lover whose desire is just to have me.
Then that one precious moment when silence was found,
Deep in my heart, what is that beautiful sound?
It was the sound of my Father, my Lover, my Friend,
Singing over me the song that causes struggles to end.
A voice filled with love, a sound so sweet, I think He knew just what I'd need.

Come away with me My child, My precious My delight,
Its time to stop hiding and step into My light.
Only in my presence will you find perfect peace, only in my arms is the safe place to dream.
You see I've been waiting, watching you there,
listening, loving, catching every tear.
Listen no more to the voices screaming in your ears,
not good enough, to big, to small,
Because you My love, are betrothed to the fairest of them all,
His heart for you is higher than the tallest of mountains,
His love the purest and refreshing fountain.
So come now and rest, stay with me awhile,
Let me look into your eyes and just enjoy your smile.
For to me you are perfect. Just the right fit.
And look here beside me, is the place where you sit.
Here is your throne, a crown, made of love
Now you're Ruling and reigning with me from above.
So go now and paint this picture you see.
And go show the others that they too look just like Me.


EM said...

Karen, I have never felt so much as I read what you wrote. I can relate to so many of the same areas. I am going to link your blog to mine. Blessings from WA.

Anonymous said...

This is amazing :)