Monday, May 5, 2008

Missions Recap

So I am finally reporting on missions week. I have been processing some things that happened to me while I was in Tijuana and since I have been back that have left me quite undone in an amazingly good way. Our team had about 150 people so we broke up into smaller groups and went out to different churches around Tijuana. We did evening services and went out to the streets before the services to invite people to come and pray and whatever else happened. One of the guys on our team declared the night before that he would see drug addicts restored and set free on this trip. 5 minutes after he stepped of the bus a man walked up to him and said i am a drug addict I dont want to be aymore only Jesus can help me would you pray for me. Our team saw many other amazing things happen. People were healed of cancer, deafness, the people in the churches were activated in healing, the children were activated in healing. It was totally amazing. On Saturday we went downtown to Revolution street and spent a few hours shopping and then did a service at an outdoor stage that night. We saw many people getting healed and saved. One young man who had just gotten saved helped interpret for those who were praying or the sick. He was in awe. he had been in the Kingdom for 10 minutes and was already participating in the miraculous!! Just the way it should be. This is a picture of a beautiful lady named Maricella who we saw on the street when we were shopping. She needed healing in both her knees, lower back and shouler and Jesus did not disapoint her. It was so precious to see her face light up when she got up to try and walk and see how her knees felt and realized that they didnt hurt anymore. God is sooo good. He's gooder than we know.
The other teams saw incredible things too. If you would like to hear some of the testimonies you can go to and download the sermon of the week from Sunday night April 27th.
As for me, I had forgotten how much I love the Hispanic people and culture. I was suprised at how much spanglish I remembered and was able to ask people if they needed healing and understand the jist of what they were saying. It was soo much fun. I'll share more later on my personal breakthroughs.
On the trip back we spent the night at a church in Laguna Beach and had a little time to play at the ocean, my second favorite place on the planet!

Thank you for you prayers and support! I couldnt have done it without you.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Pour out Your Glory!!

This started out as Bible class until our teacher ended up on the floor in the glory. The increase has begun!!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Sing Over Me Jesus

When I look into Your eyes - I see You

When I look into your eyes - I feel loved

Captivated by Your gaze
Saturated in Your Grace

When I look into Your eyes - I'm free

When You look into my eyes - You see me
Your gaze it penetrates right through me

I'm everything You dreamed I'd be
Perfect and complete

When You look into my eyes - I see